Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Ever had one of those moments when the light bulb goes on...just like in the cartoons.  All the stuff that was getting in the way suddenly disappears and there you are, staring right at it, that epiphany, which had been there all along waiting in the crowd of thoughts and distractions, to be noticed. The feel of excitement and exhiliration takes your breath away.  You grab a hold of that feeling and you run with it, doing whatever it is you wanted to do. If only we could have a dose of that feeling everyday. Taking ordinary tasks and making them extraordinary. Finally looking at all the sideline stuff and really appreciating that it's that stuff that is your life.  Yes there is gratification in the moment when you have reached a goal or accomplished something, but that's just a moment.  The countless moments that led to it make up the 99% of your life.  So just remember to BE present in every moment; savour them; appreciate them and never, ever, regret them, because they are you. Good or bad, those moments are packed with the tiniest of fragments that have created who you are.

And with that said, while basking in the moment, it's time to move on ....

God Bless.

Friday, November 16, 2012

You can please some of the people some of the time

All of the people some of the time
Some of the people all of the time
But you can never please all of the people all of the time

Lincoln certainly had it pegged...

Why do we do what we do? Acceptance? Validation? Self Fulfillment which often hangs on acceptance and validation.  No matter how you look at it we are aiming to please somebody, anybody or everybody at some time or another. A lot of pressure.. and for what? The reasons are endless; to leave a mark, make a lasting impression, make a difference, make some money :)  Whatever the driving force let's not kid ourselves. There's always someone in the wings that we have in mind to please... if there is anything I could offer it would be, stay true to yourself. Make sure that the person you are, is the person you want to be; because it pleases you.

Purple Hugs ((:))

Friday, November 9, 2012

What the blog?

Why do we do it?

Blog that is.

There was a time when an elite group of people decided what would be seen by the masses.  Carefully editing, cutting, pasting (actually erasing and rewriting), making sure all the t's were crossed and the i's were dotted. Oh yeah, and they reflected pre-approved idealogies.

Then came polly...er...the internet, and the blob..sorry..the blog was born.

Take a minute.  Well actually plan on spending hours scouring the millions of blogs that make up the blogsphere.  Any topic you can think of. It's covered.  BTW this blog falls under "Whatever Spirit Moves Me The Day I Decide To Write a Blog Post"  Anything, and I mean anything is a go.  And you know what? It's fantabulous! (made the word up)  No barriers ... well that's not true.  We really don't want to see anything that promotes violence or hatred, so xnay on the negative stuff.  We get to see the 'real' blogger or in some cases the 'real' blogger's toddler, pet, invisible friend. We get a glimpse of the creative..or not so creative mind that has the chutzpah to put it out there for the world to read. Or not.  It's kind of like a crapshoot.  You set up your blog. Tell a bunch of people, who may or may not tell others (this isn't the "and they told two friends" scenario) and you wait. Then post again and you wait. The cycle continues, but you persist, hoping to be that amazing blog that everyone is itching to read every week, ready to like, comment and share.  Hoping is good, feeds the soul.  Oh, and good analytics feeds the pocketbook. 

So as we circle back to the beginning of this blog, I've come to an all important conclusion (for me that is). The question although simple has too many answers to even try and narrow it down. 

I will only speak for myself, since I can't speak for the world, I blog ... just because.

Peace out. :)